Est. 2011
Fiercely Independent Fiduciary Financial Advice™
2013 PlanPlus Global Financial Planning Awards Finalist

Clear Financial in the News
Media Mentions
January 15, SiriusXM111 Wharton School, Your Money with Kent Smetters
January 14, Money, How to Keep Making Money When The Stock Market Crashes, According to Experts by Martha C. White
November 9, NBCNews, How will a divided Congress affect your 401(k) and retirement plans?, by Martha C. White
October 12, Money, Here's How to Protect Your Portfolio from a Crash, by Martha C. White
August 24, The New York Times, Retirement Planning in High School? It's Never Too Early, by Ann Carrns
August 23, NBCNews, Martha C. White
May 16, Financial Advisor IQ, Help Clients Avoid Social Security Regret by Grace Williams
May 8, Kent Smetters / Wharton School Your Money Show SiriusXM111
March 15, Money, The 10 Best Books to Help You Retire Richer, According to Financial Advisors by Martha White
December 22, InsuranceNewsNet, An Advisor Wish List for 2018 by Cyril Tuohy
December 19, Kent Smetters / Wharton School Your Money Show SiriusXM111
December 15, The Washington Post, Thinking about investing in bitcoin? The currency may be virtual, but the risk is real, by Michelle Singletary
November 20, CNBC, Advisors weigh in on the Wall St. Journal's critique of Morningstar ratings, by Deborah Nason
November 3, Detroit Free Press, Trump doesn't mind boasting about bump in your 401(k), but what's next? by Susan Tompor
October 31, MarketWatch, Why lower 401(k) deductions might not be such a bad deal:
Here are some of the issues today’s system creates by Robert Schmansky, CFP®
October 31, Forbes, Financial Planners Weigh In: Is Rothification as Scary as You Think by Kate Ashford
October 6, Advisor News, Rothification of DC Plans 'a Stupid Idea' ex-Labor Official Says by Cyril Tuohy
October 2, HowStuffWorks, The Kids' College Funds Can Wait. Save for Retirement First by Dave Roos
August 11, Financial Advisor IQ, DOL Rule Comments by Rita Raagas De Ramos
August 1, MarketWatch, "Money Milestones: Don’t forget your nest egg when you’re building the nest" by Alessandra Malito
July 28, Barron's, "Advisors to Compete with Robos"
July 26, Wall Street Journal, "Talk is Cheap" by Jason Zweig, Anne Tergesen and Andrea Fuller
July 3, ThinkAdvisor, "The Debate Over ‘New Evidence’ and the Fiduciary Rule" by Melanie Waddell
June 19, AdvisorNews, "Navigating the Downsides of Advice-Based Compensation" by Juliette Fairley
June 12, Financial Advisor IQ, "What Does ‘Fiduciary’ Even Mean These Days?" by Thomas Coyle
June 6, ThinkAdvisor, "Planners Fear Unintended Consequences as DOL Rule Compliance Date Nears" by Melanie Waddell
May 19, The Washington Post, "From ‘Trump bump’ to ‘Trump slump’: How to navigate your investments" by Michelle Singletary
May 3, The New York Times, "Tips for Financing That Home Remodeling" by Ann Carrns
May 1, ETF Advisor, "A 'Love-Hate' Relationship with ETFs" by Jeff Schlegel
April 11, Kent Smetters / Wharton School Your Money Show SiriusXM111
March 24,, "Wall Street Waits Ahead of Key Vote on ‘Repeal and Replace" by Martha C. Jones
March 22, Yahoo!Finance, "Americans aren’t saving enough for retirement: 6 tips to get started" by Brittany Jones-Cooper
March 20, Barron's, "Relationship Fail"
March 17, Financial Planning Magazine, "Should I..." series by Ingrid Case
March 14, CNBC, "What you need to know about 401(k) plans" by Sarah O'Brien
February 14, Washington Post, "Advice for retirees rattled by Trump" by Michelle Singletary
February 10, InvestmentNews, "RIAs at odds over fees for clients' cash balances" by Jeff Benjamin
February 3, Wall Street Journal, "Why Almost Everybody Should Apply for College Financial Aid" by Chana R. Schoenberger
February 3, Money, "What is the best way to buy mutual funds for my IRA"
February 3, On Wall Street, "Is Trump's Fiduciary Order 'Misguided'?" by Andrew Shilling
February 2, Investopedia, "Why Trump Should Stop The New Fiduciary Rule"
February 1, Financial Advisor IQ, "Trump's New Regs Order Doesn't Halt DOL Confusion" by Thomas Coyle
January 10, CNBC, "Hopping on ETF wagon? Tread carefully, advisors say" by Sarah O'Brien
January 9, CNBC, "This hot-potato rule may get delayed. What it means for your retirement" by Tom Anderson
December 20, Kent Smetters / Wharton School Your Money Show SiriusXM111
December, AARP, "Tips for Retiring on Social Security Alone" by Eileen Ambrose
November 28, Financial Advisor IQ, "You Can't Legislate Ethics" by Thomas Coyle
November 17, InvestmentNews, "More than half of student-loan borrowers regret going into debt" by Grete Suarez
October 22, TheStreet, "Why Your Financial Adviser Is Spending Less Time On Your Investments" by Brian O'Connell
September 30, Quicken, "Pros and Cons of Pensions vs. Annuities"
September 29, Investopedia, "How Robos, Tech, the Fiduciary Rule and Millenials Intersect" by Doug Cubberley
September 28, InvestmentNews, "Advisers may drop lower- and middle-income clients due to DOL fiduciary rule: NAIFA survey"
September 19, Grow, "Everything You Need to Know About the Dow" by Elizabeth Leary
August 23, WWJ-Detroit, CFP Board Ambassador Interview - CFP Board Saving Study
August 16, Kent Smetters / Wharton School Your Money Show SiriusXM111
July 19, Financial Planning, "Should I... Raise My Fees?" by Ingrid Case
June 24, Investor's Business Daily, "Savvy Advisors Correct Clients Misguided Beliefs With A Soft Touch" by Morey Stettner
June 15, "11 Frantic Questions Financial Advisers Get All the Time" by Brooke Niemeyer
June 15,, "New Overtime Rule Has Advisory Firms Rethinking Full-Timers" by Juliette Fairley
June 9, Financial Advisor Magazine, "Advisors Working For Advisors The New Trend" by Juliette Fairley
May 27, Forbes, "What Financial Planners Wish You Were Doing for Retirement" by Kate Ashford
April 13, US News & World Report, " Are Target-Date Funds for You?" by David Schepp
March 24 Main Street, "5 Ways You Can Increase Your Retirement Savings" by Ellen Chang
March 4, New York Times, "Devising a Tax Strategy After the Paycheck Is No More" by Tara Siegel Bernard
February 24 Wealth Management "Looking for an Assist" by Anne Field
February 16 Kent Smetters / Wharton School Your Money Show SiriusXM111
February 11 Wall Street Journal "Fresh Wave of Selling Slams Global Markets"
January NAPFA Magazine "Integrating Interns into Busy Practices"
December 18 Washington Post "Eight money milestones to strive for in your 60's" by Jonnelle Marte
November 18 SpinalColumn West Oakland County Young Leader's Profile (link)
November 9 Money "Don't let stock market scares dicatate your strategy" by Sarah Max
October 21 Investment News "Back to the Future: What the advice industry will look like in 30 years" by Greg Iacurci
September 24 Investment News "What advisers love most about their jobs" by Liz Skinner
September 21 Financial Planning Magazine "College costs within reach: how clients can save smartly" by Ingrid Case
September 16 Investors Business Daily "Create a Financial Plan that Grows With You" by Adelia Linecker
July 1 Crain's Wealth "Top young financial advisors for your rolodex"
June 29 CNBC "Buzz about robo-advisors is accelerating: Study" by Sarah O'Brien
June 28 InvestmentNews "Middle class deserves unbiased advice"
June 23 MarketWatch "70 million Americans teetering on edge of financial ruin" by Catey Hill
June 22 Robert Schmansky named by InvestmentNews as a Top 40 Under 40 talent in the financial advisory industry (link)
June 17 InvestmentNews "How much should advisers charge for a brand-new robo offering?" by Alessandra Malito
May 5 Newsmax "6 Quotes by Financial Advisers on Obama's myRA" by Karen Ridder
April / May NAPFA Advisor Magazine profiles Clear Financial Advisors
April 9 The Guardian "Tempted to spend that tax refund windfall? Not so fast, and here's why" by Suzanne McGee
March 24 ThinkAdvisor "A good investment is a good investment, no matter where the company is located" by Marlene Satter
March 1 Detroit Free Press "Where will you call home in retirement?" by Susan Tompor
February 22 USA Today "There Ought to be these retirement laws" by Robert Powell
January 27 appeared on Wharton Business Radio Sirius XM "Your Money" show
January 2 MarketWatch "Retirees, Start off 2015 the Right Way" by Robert Powell
January 2 Financial Advisor "Taking Clients to Your New Firm" by William Conroy
December 24 The Los Angeles Times "Year-end tips may yield tax savings" by Dean Starkman
November 7 The Los Angeles Times "Turmoil at PIMCO Bruises It's Brand" by Dean Starkman
November 5 Kiplinger Personal Finance "5 Smart Questions Young Adults Are Asking to Super-Charge Their Retirement Savings" by Rebecca Dolan
October 29 Women & Money Magazine "Matching Investments to Your Goals Can Help You Invest More With Less Stress" by Robyn Post
October 29 Kiplinger Personal Finance "10 Critical Questions Near-Retirees Are Asking About Their Money"
October 12 USA Today "Top Mistakes Investors Make" by Larry Light
October 3 Reuters "How to calm clients worried about stock market swings" by Robyn Post
August 11 Financial AdvisorIQ "For Certain Clients, HSAs May Be a Godsend" by Chris Latham
July 15 CNBC "Out of work? Advisors offer important 401(k) dos, don'ts" by Deborah Nason
July 2014 Money Magazine "The One Retirement Move You Must Get Right" by Ian Salisbury
May 4 Wall Street Journal "How Beginners Can Start Saving for Retirement" by Jane Hodges
March 28 "When Should I Dip Into My Emergency Fund?" by Christine DiGangi
February 14 Wall Street Journal "How Your College-Savings Plan Measures Up" by AnnaMaria Androitis
February 4 Fiduciary News "Finance Industry Pros: MyRA Misses The Point" by Christopher Carosa
January 31 MarketWatch "Duly Noted: myRA" by Robert Powell
2014 US News & World Report, Best Grad Schools
October 29 USA Today "Beware of conflicts with fee-only adviser" by Robert Powell
October 29 Erickson Tribune "Are Exchange-Traded Funds Right For You?" by Meghan Streit
October 22 Advisor.CA "PlanPlus Honours World's Top Advisors" - Clear Financial Advisors selected as one of four global finalists for Global Financial Planning Awards
September "A Simple Recipe for a Richer Retirement" by NEA
August 20 BBC "Seduced by Risky Adjustable Rate Loans - Again" by Ari Weinberg
July 22 Wall Street Journal "Detroit's Bankruptcy as a Teachable Moment" by Veronica Dagher
July 19 AdvisorIQ "Getting Through to Distracted Clients" by Chris Latham
June 8 MarketWatch "10 Things Economists Won't Tell You" by Quentin Fottrell
June 3 MoneyRates "6 SIgns of a Bad Financial Planner" by Karen Haywood Queen
May Consumer Reports, "Sticking to a Mutual Fund Plan"
January 2013 Financial Advisor magazine "Financial Advisors Highlight Favorite Funds" by Richard Skelly
January 4 MarketWatch "Who should be the face of a $1 trillion coin?" by Quentin Fottrell
November 21 BankRate "Beware Co-signing for a 'Kiddie Condo' Loan"
November 19 Wall Street Journal "Not All Gold Investments are Equal" by Daisy Maxey
October 9 CNN Money "How can I find a financial planner?" by Austin Kilham
October 8 Advisors4Advisors piece on Medicare by Robert Powell
September 4 Bankrate "Lending Money to Family and Friends" by Karen Haywood Queen
September Financial Advisor Magazine "Absolute Tonic Water?" by Eric Rasmussen
August 30 BankRate "Lame Excuses for Not Saving" by Marcie Geffner
August 22 MarketWatch "8 Strategies to Protect Your Investments" by Robert Powell
August 21 Advisors4Advisors piece on advisor registration by Robert Powell
August 2 Dow Jones "Voices: Robert Schmansky"
June 29 Advisors4Advisors "...Active Versus Passively Managed Mutual Funds..." by Robert Powell, III
June 24 InvestmentNews "Advisers Cool to Changes Pushed for Money Funds" by Mark Schoeff Jr.
June 15 Fox Business "Eleven Dumb and Dumber Excuses Not to Save Money" by Marcie Geffner
June 5 "Running Up the Credit Score" by Karen Haywood Queen
May 23 Advisors for Advisors "Advisors Walking the Eurozone Tightrope" by Robert Powell
April 7 Wall Street Journal "Five Pre-Retirement Mistakes You May Be Making" by Veronica Dagher
April 4 Wall Street Journal "Tax Pitfalls for Fund Investors" by Rachel Louise Ensign
March 9 SmartMoney Magazine "Fix Your 401(k)" by Ian Salisbury
February 9 MarketWatch "With Interest Rates Low, Do Annuities Make Sense?" by Andrea Coombes
January / February 2012 Money Magazine "No Pot of Gold: Variable Annuities Lose Some Luster" by Lisa Gibbs
January 25 Reuter "Six Ways to Maximize Retirement 'Sweet Spot' Years" by Lynn Brenner
January 19 SmartMoney "Blame Europe for Higher Grocery Bills" by Quentin Fottrell
January 2 Life / Health Pro "Where Have all the Variable Annuity Providers Gone?" by Maria Wood
December 26 assisted with questions regarding saving for school while paying back debt for FPA's Question of the Week
December 20 Erckson Tribune "Buying an Investment Property" by Meghan Streit
December 20 Lynn Brenner's Family Finance "When is the Best Time for a Roth Conversion?"
December 6 Reuters "9 Year-end tax tips for a new tax era" by Lynn Brenner
November 7 Bankrate "When to Flout Financial Conventional Wisdom" by Karen Haywood Queen
October 25 CNNMoney "Can You Fund a Roth with Traditional IRA Distributions?" by Walecia Konrad
October 24 CNNMoney "How Should I Get Started Investing?" by Walecia Konrad
October 18 SmartMoney "Can I Roll Over My 401(k) Without a Penalty?" by Quentin Fottrell
October 17 contributed to FPA's Question of the Week on student loan repayment
August 22 SmartMoney "10 Things Economists Won't Tell You" by Quentin Fottrell
August 10's "Manage Your Money Online" by Beverly Blair Harzog
August 9 SmartMoney "How to Find Advice on the Fly" by Charles Passy
August 5 Detroit Free Press on stock market volatility.
July 14 CNN Money's The Help Desk discussing cash reserves in the face of job loss with Walecia Konrad.
June 26 Investment News "What's on the Menu?" by Lavonne Kuykendall
June 3 Chicago Tribune "Experts espouse a way to grow IRA when out of workforce" by Carolyn Bigda
April 29 Dow Jones "The Case for a Retainer" by Ian Salisbury
April 12 Bloomberg Businessweek "The Puzzle and Promise of 'Absolute Return' Mutual Funds" by Ben Steverman
February 8 Reuters "Diversification Defiance" by Chris Taylor
October 1 Marketwatch "Deflation's a Mixed Bag for Consumers" by Ruth Mantell
July 18 Wall Street Journal "When Times Get Tough, Talk It Out" by Ruth Mantell
June 10 Dow Jones "Reworking a Plan that Doesn't Work" by Peter McDougall
May 17 ABC News "Gold Boom" by Dalia Fahmy
April 29 Wall Street Journal "Investing in Yourself Instead of Your Child" by Ruth Mantell
August 28 Wall Street Journal "Money Managers Look to Older Mentors"
January 23 MarketWatch Retirement Weekly
January 1 FPA's Question of the Week: Annuities
January 1 Bank Investment Consultant "Retooling Retirement"
December 15 FPA "'Tis Open Enrollment Season"
September Consumers Digest "One Stock Index to Ignore"
August Journal of Financial Planning "Most Variable Annuities with Living Benefit Riders Call for Scrutiny"
July Financial Advisor magazine "Retirement on Hold"
June 9 Investment News "Advisor Software Expected to Speak the Same Language"
May 5 Investment News "Lifetime-income Riders on Variable Annuities Require Discussion"
March Journal of Financial Planning "Spending in Retirement"
Events, Awards &
Press Releases
Robert Schmansky, CFP® named a Top 100 Influential Advisor by Investopedia (Link)
Robert Schmansky, CFP® named a Five Star Wealth Manager in dBusiness / Hour Detroit Magazines
Robert Schmansky answered caller questions of the Your Money Show for Wharton Business Radio Sirius XM with Kent Smetters April, 2017
Clear Financial Advisors participated in a NAPFA / Kiplinger online chat to Maximize Your Money December 2016
Clear Financial Advisors participated in a panel presented by Investopedia on the future of financial advice services (Link)
Clear Financial Advisors participated in a NAPFA / Kiplinger online chat to Maximize Your Money September 2016
Robert Schmansky answered caller questions of the Your Money Show for Wharton Business Radio Sirius XM with Kent Smetters August, 2016
CFP Board Ambassador August 2016 Press Release: CFP Board Study on Savings (Link)
CFP Board Ambassador July 2016 Press Release: Global Market Volatility - How to Stay In and Weather the Storm (Link)
Clear Financial Advisors presented to military members on personal finance issues in Dearborn and Bay City, Mich in the second quarter 2016.
CFP Board Ambassador June 2016 Press Release: Dad, Be a Financial Superman to Your Kids (Link)
CFP Board Ambassador May 2016 Press Release: Tips On Which Assets to Diversify and How (Link)
CFP Board Ambassador April 2016 Press Release: Ease the Mid-Life Squeeze (Link)
CFP Board Ambassador March 2016 Press Release: Spring Cleaning Your Finances (Link)
Robert Schmansky, CFP® discussed money issues with Prof. Kent Smetters on Wharton Your Money Show SiriusXM @BizRadio111 February 16, 2016
CFP Board Ambassador February 2016 Press Release: Leap Forward in Your Financial Goals (Link)
Clear Financial Advisors participated in a NAPFA / Kiplinger online chat to Maximize Your Money February 2016
CFP Board Ambassador January 2016 Press Release: Election 2016 - Will Your Investments Win or Lose? (Link)
CFP Board Ambassador December 2015 Press Release: Early Retirement; The Ultimate Holiday Gift (Link)
Clear Financial Advisors participated in a NAPFA / Kiplinger online chat to Maximize Your Money December 10, 2015
CFP Board Ambassador November 2015 Press Release: Social Security Strategies (Link)
Robert Schmansky selected as a West Oakland Young Leader by SpinalColumn November, 2015 (link)
CFP Board Ambassador October 2015 Press Release: 50 Shades of Investment Funds (Link)
CFP Board Ambassador September 2015 Press Release: Ways to Support Your Alma Mater (Link)
Clear Financial Advisors participated in a NAPFA / Kiplinger online chat to Jump-Start Your Retirement Plan September 17, 2015
Clear Financial Advisors presented to military members on personal finance issues in Troy and Harrison Township, Mich in third quarter 2015
CFP Board Ambassador July 2015 Press Release:
The Real Facts Behind Real Estate Investing (Link)
Robert Schmansky, CFP® to discuss money issues with Prof. Kent Smetters on Wharton Your Money Show SiriusXM @BizRadio111 July 7, 2015
Clear Financial Advisors founder Robert Schmansky, CFP® selected by InvestmentNews as a Top 40 Under 40 talent in the financial planning industry (Blog) - June 2015
CFP Board Ambassador June 2015 Press Release: Who, Why & When of Setting up a Trust Fund (Link)
Clear Financial Advisors participates in Kiplinger online chat to Jump-Start Your Retirement Plan June 2015
Clear Financial Advisors profiled in NAPFA Advisor Magazine April - May 2015 (Link)
CFP Board Ambassador May 2015: Avoiding Inheritance Disputes (Link)
Clear Financial participated as a "taxpert" in Reuters Twitter Tax Tips Chat
Clear Financial Advisors announces launch of online holistic financial guidance and virtual advice solution (Press Release)
CFP Board Ambassador April 2015 Press Release: Financial Stress Report (Link)
Clear Financial Advisors named to Brightscope's Top 100 Influencers on Social Media List
Clear Financial profiled on international diversification at ThinkAdvisor (link)
Clear Financial Advisors provided information to Kiplinger's online audience on retirement and financial planning February 2015
Robert Schmansky, CFP® selected to serve as CFP Board Ambassador (Press Release)
Clear Financial Advisors provided online retirement information to Kiplinger's readers December 2014.
Robert Schmansky, CFP® spoke to military members on financial items before deployment in Taylor, Michigan.
Clear Financial Advisors (CFA) provided free online retirement information to consumers with Kiplinger's Jumpstart Your Retirement September chat
Robert Schmansky spoke in September 2014 on mistakes experienced investors make at AdviceIQ's National Financial Advisors Week in Times Square (Press Release)
Robert Schmansky spoke to military members on financial basics in Akron, OH
July 22 Interviewed Clear Financial Advisors
Clear Financial Advisors provided free online information to Kiplinger's readers June 2014.
Clear Financial Advisors selected as 2013 PlanPlus Global Financial Planning Award finalist; one of four firms globally recognized for excellence in personal financial planning (Press Release)
CFA to instruct Fall / Winter 2013 Oakland Community College (OCC) community education courses at Farmington Hills Orchard Lake campus (Press Release) (Enrollment)
August 2013 led money management basics seminar for national telecom company
CFA participated in spring and summer financial education events for military families in Portage, Southfield, Traverse City, and Detroit.
CFA participated in fall and winter financial education events for military families in Detroit, Niagara Falls, and Flint.
October 2012 presented on estate planning basics for Greektown Casino employees
Fall 2012 selected to teach community education courses on personal financial planning for Oakland Community College (Press Release)
August 2012 selected to provide feedback on international standards for financial advisors providing retirement advice
May 23, 2012 presented on planning for retirement for the City of Birmingham
May 15, 2012 interviewed for WDIV's Ruth to the Rescue on couples and money
November 30, 2011 interviewed on 'Clear Investing, Intentional Investing' for internet radio
June 2011 CFA prepared a pro-bono financial makeover for the FPA
May 10, 2011 presention to MGM Grand employees on personal finance basics
May 2009 appeared on Lansing Channel 3 regarding the pro-bono advice and NAPFA "Your Money Bus" tour